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Transforming Nations One Training at a Time with Dr. Bertrhude Albert | Celebrating Haitian Heritage

Updated: May 30, 2023

Dr. Bertrhude Albert smiling while celebrating Haitian Heritage Month
Dr. Bertrhude Albert

May is Haitian Heritage Month and we want to take a moment to highlight key players in the Haitian community who work tirelessly to reclaim the image of Haiti through the beauty of their work. Bertrude Albert, whom many know from her continuously growing TikTok and Instagram pages filled with informative videos, is more than a social media historian. Bertrhude Albert is a three-time graduate of the University of Florida. Earning her most advanced degree, a Ph.D. in Agricultural Education and Communications. Albert is a Gator 40 under 40 Award recipient, TedX Speaker, and Co-Founder of P4H Global, a nonprofit that centers educational opportunity in Haiti just to name a few.

My dream is that the diaspora will know just how rich they are. Growing up, I didn't realize just how great of a heritage my ancestors left for me. We are the children of Ayiti, the First Free Black Republic in the World. We are the children of a nation that redefined freedom and liberty for the world”, explains Dr. Albert.

A South Florida Native, Dr. Albert found it hard to see the beauty in the heritage of Haiti. However, her first trip to Haiti in 2010 after the earthquake provided her with an experience of a lifetime. “Going to Haiti made me realize that the greatest blessing God could ever give me was to make me Haitian. After I came to that realization, I just knew in my spirit that my heart and soul would be forever connected to the motherland. The only thing I had to figure out would be how to give myself to Haiti. As I met more Haitians, I knew that the educational fight on the ground in Haiti would be the battle I picked up” says Dr. Albert.

Dr. Albert with Haitian flag and custom Haitian art shirt

Dr. Albert began her doctoral journey with the intention of making a lasting impact in the country of Haiti and leading a cause that would bring positive change for generations to come. Obtaining a terminal degree at the University of Florida, allowed her to continue her studies while doing work on the ground in Haiti simultaneously. “They were supportive of the nonprofit I co-founded and my plan to use it as the source of many of my projects. It also helped that this degree offered me the strongest financial package.

"My dissertation was on the Agricultural Education system in Haiti. Although my background was not in Agriculture, I was interested in education and systems. With this focus, I was able to travel to all the major educational institutions in Haiti and study the strengths of their programs. I learned so much that inspired what we do today in P4H”, explains Dr. Albert.

“We won’t stop until every Haitian child has access to quality education." Dr. Bertrhude Albert

P4H Global is a nonprofit that is training people to transform nations through education, with the belief that education can put an end to poverty. Redefining the culture of aid and assistance for impoverished countries by empowering local leaders to make change through innovative programs and sustainable development. P4H Global facilitates a school quality assurance initiative that trains teachers across the nation. Having trained over 8,000 teachers across Haiti to date, with a plan to scale the program. The program allows teachers to attend professional development, while also giving them an opportunity to be observed and receive feedback on their teaching, through weekly and monthly mentorship. “We won’t stop until every Haitian child has access to quality education”, exclaims Dr. Albert.

While Dr. Albert is making an impact on the ground in the educational systems in Haiti, she is continuing that impact worldwide by creating engaging and informative content on Haiti and it’s culture and heritage for social media. With approximately 177.1k followers combined from both her TikTok and Instagram, Dr. Albert teaches her viewers many things the media would never. Empowering the world to learn about Haitian culture and history, find their own personal connection to Haiti, and shift the worldly paradigm of the country and its people. Dr. Albert explains, “Our heritage is our inheritance and I hope and pray every Haitian in the diaspora understands this. That’s why I began my TikTok page earlier this year... I want to share our stories anew with my Haitian brothers and sisters. Once we understand where we've come from, we will truly know who we are and where we are going as a people."

Through the nonprofit work of P4H Global and the specially curated content on social media, Dr. Albert and her team are making strides to support the many dreams we native Haitians and diaspora have for the country. “My dream is that Haiti will rise. My dream is that our people will have the opportunity to reach their fullest potential. I don't think Haiti needs the highest skyscrapers or even an AC in every home (most Haitians would probably hate that to be honest), but I believe a new Haiti, a transformed Haiti is one where Haitians can achieve the goals, they've set out for themselves. I dream of opportunity for my people because that's all we need to radically transform not only Haiti but the world around us”, exclaimed Dr. Albert.

If you would like to learn more about P4H Global, you can view their website and all opportunities to partner at

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