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Writer's pictureShirley Dor

17 Affirmations To Keep Creatives, Influencers, and Bloggers Motivated in 2021

With the start of the new year, it is the perfect time to start a mental shift and improve your overall mental well being.

When you practice daily affirmations, you challenge and overcome negative and unhelpful thoughts. This list will serve as a way to reprogram the unconscious mind for success.

Add this to your journal, your calendar, or your sticky note deck.

  1. Every day, I will find ways to achieve my goals

  2. Today I am making time to create.

3. I am a creative and powerful thinker.

4. With my creativity, I am inspiring others and impacting lives.

5. I provide a service that people I need.

6. I am a great starter and will end all creations I begin.

7. I am very creative and ideas flourish in my mind daily.

8. I am always at the perfect place, at the perfect time, with the perfect people.

9. I am open and receptive to all the good things in my life.

10. The only person I compare myself to is who I was yesterday.

11. Life is happening for me and not to me.

12. My followers love the Instagram content I create, and they can't wait to see more each week.

13. I attract brands that value my creativity and my prices.

14. I have unlimited creativity and the ability to create something meaningful.

15. I am becoming a brilliant creative and will be persistent as I pursue my passion

16. My creative potential is limitless.

17. In everything I do, creativity runs through me.

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